Auphonic Simple API

The Auphonic Simple API should be used for small scripts like batch processing of multiple files. It is possible to upload files, set metadata, reference an existing Preset, save and start productions in a single multipart/form-data HTTP request. This makes it ideal for quick shell scripts and easy integrations.

Also take a look at our Zapier Interface, which helps in automating podcast workflows and integrates hundreds of web services without any coding.

Start a Production and Upload a File

The following POST request creates a new production and references an existing Preset:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "title=My First Production" \
    -F "input_file=@/home/user/your_audio_or_video_file.mp3" \
    -F "action=start"
  • api_key: your Auphonic API Key, please see API Key Authentication, HTTP Basic Authentication and OAuth 2.0 Authentication

  • preset: UUID of the referenced preset, you can find it on the Preset Page

  • title: the title metadata tag of the production

  • input_file: the local audio or video file you want to upload

  • action: can be start to start your production, or save to just save the data without starting the production


When uploading files, curl needs an “@” in front of the filename!

This request returns JSON data containing details about the newly created production, for a detailed description of the response see Details about a Production. See also how to download result media files!

Upload Files with HTTP

It’s also possible to fetch a file from an external HTTP server as input audio:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "title=My First HTTP Production" \
    -F "input_file=" \
    -F "action=start"

Just set the HTTP URL using the parameter input_file, everything else stays the same.

Upload Files with External Services (SFTP/FTP/Dropbox/etc.)

When fetching files from SFTP, FTP, Dropbox, Amazon S3, SoundCloud or other External Services, it’s necessary to reference the external service:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "service=pmefeNCzkyT4TbRbDmoCDf" \
    -F "input_file=my_dropbox_file.mp3" \
    -F "title=My First Dropbox Production" \
    -F "action=start"
  • service: the UUID of your registered external service (SFTP, FTP, Dropbox, SoundCloud, etc.), see Services Page

  • input_file: the filename of the input file (e.g. on the Dropbox server, in the auphonic path)

  • preset: the UUID of the preset you want to use

Detailed Audio Metadata

Various Metadata Tags can be set and they overwrite metadata values from presets. Metadata tags, chapters and cover images from input files are also imported if not set in a production or preset:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "title=My First Production" \
    -F "artist=The Artist" \
    -F "album=Our Album" \
    -F "track=1" \
    -F "subtitle=Our subtitle" \
    -F "append_chapters=true" \
    -F "summary=Our very long summary." \
    -F "genre=Podcast" \
    -F "year=2012" \
    -F "publisher=that's me" \
    -F "url=" \
    -F "license=Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Austria" \
    -F "license_url=" \
    -F "tags=podcast, auphonic api, metadata" \
    -F "image=@/home/user/your_image.jpg" \
    -F "input_file=@/home/user/your_audio_or_video_file.mp3" \
    -F "action=start"

The parameters are the same as on the Auphonic Production Page. Metadata fields can make use of Variables and Placeholders.

You may upload a cover image file using the parameter image - note that it’s also possible to upload the cover image by just referencing a valid picture URL: -F "image="!

Adding Chapter Marks

You can upload an additional text file with Chapter Marks for your production:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "title=Production with Chapters" \
    -F "input_file=@/home/user/your_audio_or_video_file.mp3" \
    -F "chapters=@/home/user/chapters.txt" \
    -F "action=start"

The text file must contain the start time in HH:MM:ss[.mmm] and a title for each chapter - a chapter URL is also possible.

An example:

00:00:00.000 Intro1 <>
00:00:10.000 Baby prepares to rock
00:00:30.000 Baby rocks the house
00:01:00.000 One Minute
00:01:30.000 End <>

You can also import various other marker file formats from your favourite audio editor, see How to Import Chapter Marks .


Chapter marks from your input audio files are imported automatically!

If you don’t want to upload a file, just send your data as string with a newline after each chapter:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "title=Production with Chapters" \
    -F "input_file=@/home/user/your_audio_or_video_file.mp3" \
    -F "chapters=00:00:00.000 Intro1 <>\n00:00:10.000 Baby prepares to rock\n00:00:30.000 Baby rocks the house\n..." \
    -F "action=start"

Alternatively you can also reference a chapters file from a publicly available URL:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "title=Production with Chapters" \
    -F "input_file=@/home/user/your_audio_or_video_file.mp3" \
    -F "chapters=" \
    -F "action=start"

Audio Algorithms

Audio algorithms can be enabled, disabled and parameters can be set:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "title=Production with Detailed Algorithms" \
    -F "input_file=@/home/user/your_audio_or_video_file.mp3" \
    -F "filtering=true" \
    -F "leveler=false" \
    -F "normloudness=true" \
    -F "loudnesstarget=-24" \
    -F "maxpeak=-2" \
    -F "denoise=false" \
    -F "denoiseamount=100" \
    -F "silence_cutter=true" \
    -F "filler_cutter=true" \
    -F "action=start"

This works exactly as in the production/preset form! For details about API audio algorithm parameters see API Algorithm Parameters and More Settings for API Algorithms.

Overview of all Parameters

Here is an overview of all the previously discussed parameters:

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: bearer {api_key}" \
    -F "preset=ceigtvDv8jH6NaK52Z5eXH" \
    -F "service=pmefeNCzkyT4TbRbDmoCDf" \
    -F "input_file=my_dropbox_file.mp3" \
    -F "title=Big Request with Details" \
    -F "artist=The Artist" \
    -F "album=Our Album" \
    -F "track=1" \
    -F "subtitle=Our subtitle" \
    -F "append_chapters=true" \
    -F "summary=Our very long summary." \
    -F "genre=Podcast" \
    -F "year=2012" \
    -F "publisher=that's me" \
    -F "url=" \
    -F "license=Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Austria" \
    -F "license_url=" \
    -F "tags=podcast, auphonic api, metadata" \
    -F "image=@/home/user/your_image.jpg" \
    -F "output_basename=basename" \
    -F "chapters=@/home/user/chapters.txt" \
    -F "filtering=false" \
    -F "leveler=false" \
    -F "normloudness=false" \
    -F "loudnesstarget=-18" \
    -F "denoise=true" \
    -F "denoiseamount=12" \
    -F "silence_cutter=true" \
    -F "filler_cutter=true" \
    -F "cut_mode=apply_cuts" \
    -F "webhook=" \
    -F "action=start"