Podcasts About Auphonic
Podcasts about Auphonic in multiple languages, created by our users.
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Auphonic interview in The Blind Podmaker podcast
Date: 3.3.2023
Length: 01:31:57
Podcast Workflow with Auphonic
Date: 16.11.2020
Length: 00:08:41
Django Chat Podcast Episode 18: Auphonic Interview with Georg Holzmann
Date: 26.06.2019
Length: 00:45:12
The New Advanced Leveler, An Interview With Georg of Auphonic by Toby Lyles
Date: 30.11.2018
Length: 00:45:45
URL: https://twentyfoursound.libsyn.com/132-the-new-advanced-leveler-an-interview-with-georg-of-auphonic
Auphonic’s New Advanced Features, with Georg Holzmann – PES 108
Date: 9.11.2018
Length: 01:04:33
URL: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/auphonics-new-advanced-features-with-georg-holzmann-pes-108/
Auphonic: Ignore This Audio Production Software At Your Own Risk
Date: 6.3.2018
Length: 00:29:42
URL: http://podcastification.com/ignore-this-audio-production-software-at-your-own-risk-ep-93
TwentyFourSound Auphonic Interview about Loudness vs Leveling vs Compression, Audio Restoration and more (Part 2)
Date: 15.6.2017
Length: 00:33:07
TwentyFourSound Interview with Georg Holzmann about the History and Algorithms of Auphonic (Part 1)
Date: 8.6.2017
Length: 00:24:32
PodToPod Interview with Georg Holzmann of Auphonic
Date: 18.4.2017
Length: 00:18:36
URL: http://www.podtopod.com/podcast/auphonic-georg-holzmann-podcast/
PES022: Georg Holzmann about Auphonic and Audio Processing
Date: 4.8.2016
Length: 01:02:29
URL: http://podcastengineeringschool.com/georg-holzmann-pes-022/
TPS095: Auphonic and Where to Submit Your Podcast (from 5:30 to 21:00)
Date: 8.11.2015
Length: 00:06:30
URL: http://thepodcastersstudio.com/tps095-auphonic-and-where-to-submit-your-podcast/
Auphonic, Audio Domination, and Arnold Schwarzenegger w/ Georg Holzmann
Date: 25.5.2015
Length: 2370
TPS086: Loudness Normalization with Georg from Auphonic (Part 2)
Date: 22.8.2014
Length: 01:16:29
URL: http://thepodcastersstudio.com/tps086-loudness-normalization-with-georg-from-auphonic-part-2/
TPS085: Auphonic and Loudness Standards with Georg Holzmann
Date: 25.7.2014
Length: 01:19:34
URL: http://thepodcastersstudio.com/tps085-auphonic-and-loudness-standards-with-georg-holtzman/
PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 582: Auphonic Goes Freemium
Date: 21.7.2014
Length: 00:03:45
Georg Holzmann from Auphonic.com Discusses How Auphonic Streamlines Podcasting
Date: 1.4.2014
Length: 00:28:00
Leveling with Auphonic (at Inside the Studio of the Podcaster)
EdListen 44: Joint Be Smart On Air / Edlisten interview with Georg from Auphonic
Date: 22.2.2014
Length: 01:15:16
URL: http://www.edlisten.com/2014/02/edlisten-44-joint-bsoa-edlisten.html
PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 234: Auphonic on iOS
Date: 8.8.2013
Length: 00:03:26
URL: http://phoneboy.com/5540/phoneboy-speaks-ep-234-auphonic-on-ios-1-2
NoiseBoxx about Auphonic: This Is Not A Commercial
Date: 3.6.2013
Length: 00:15:50
URL: http://www.noiseboxx.com/2013/06/noiseboxx-077-this-is-not-a-commercial/
PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 97: Auphonic
Date: 24.3.2013
Length: 00:03:59
URL: http://phoneboy.com/4974/phoneboy-speaks-ep-97-auphonic
How To Get Broadcast Audio Quality For Free: Interview with James Schramko
Date: 21.2.2013
Length: 00:16:08
Auphonic Interview on FLOSS Weekly 240 (TWiT)
Date: 30.1.2013
Length: 00:57:36
Wie Auphonic entstand – Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen mit Gründer Georg
Date: 25.2.2025
Length: 01:17:36
PüP_112 Audiooptimierung leicht gemacht – effizientes Podcasting mit Auphonic
Date: 4.4.2024
Length: 00:27:05
URL: https://www.audiobeitraege.de/audiooptimierung-leicht-gemacht-effizientes-podcasting-mit-auphonic/
LOV017 Auphonic mit Georg Holzmann
Date: 23.4.2021
Length: 01:47:43
URL: https://podlovers.org/episode/lov017-auphonic-mit-georg-holzmann/
Interview von Tim Pritlove mit Georg Holzmann über Audioformate und Auphonic
Date: 1.9.2016
Length: 01:52:17
URL: http://der-lautsprecher.de/ls018-audioformate-fuer-podcasts
OAAD Review Auphonic iOS Recorder App
Date: 1.9.2016
Length: 00:04:29
URL: http://www.oaad.de/2016/09/02/oaad648-ios-auphonic-recorder/
PMC030 – Über Auphonic und den neuen Auphonic iOS Rekorder
Date: 14.3.2016
Length: 02:14:07
URL: http://podunion.com/podunion/podunionpodcasts/magazin/279362/pmc030-eingepegelt
Auphonic – spart Zeit beim Podcasten und sorgt für einen guten Sound
Date: 24.2.2016
Length: 00:47:55
LE090: Audiomagie mit Auphonic
Date: 6.10.2015
Length: 00:32:00
URL: http://lifestyleentrepreneur.de/le090_audiomagie_mit_auphonic/
Interview über das Auphonic Preismodell im PodUnion Magazin
Date: 30.6.2014
Length: 00:29:00
URL: http://podunion.com/podunion/podunionpodcasts/magazin/15467/pmb017#t=4:28.000
Detailliertes Auphonic Interview im murstrom Podcast
Date: 28.2.2014
Length: 01:20:40
PodUnion Interview über den Auphonic Leveler und die Auphonic Zukunft
Date: 24.2.2014
Length: 00:23:09
Deep Thought über Auphonic im Die drei Vogonen Podcast
Date: 9.2.2014
Length: 00:52:05
Podcasten mit WordPress, Podlove und Auphonic (UPLOAD Magazin)
Date: 18.11.2013
Length: 00:18:56
Auphonic Interview auf Radio Helsinki (Graz, 92.6 MHz)
Date: 18.9.2013
Length: 00:45:41
URL: https://auphonic.com/media/audio-examples/RadioHelsinki_2013-09-18-2000.mp3
Auphonic wie funktioniert das? Interview mit der Podunion
Date: 22.7.2013
Length: 01:09:02
Zeit und Nerven sparen bei Audioproduktionen: Interview mit Klaus Wenderoth
Date: 4.3.2013
Length: 00:11:52
URL: http://klauswenderoth.de/georg-holzmann-auphonic-hat-noch-sehr-viel-potential/
Wir versuchen Zeit zu sparen (Interview auf theangryteddy.com)
Date: 23.8.2012
Length: 00:13:40
URL: http://theangryteddy.com/2012/10/georg-holzmann-wir-versuchen-zeit-zu-sparen/
Interview über Auphonic in Track Radio Fritz (RBB Berlin-Brandenburg)
Date: 12.5.2012
Length: about 10 min
URL: http://trackback.fritz.de/2012/05/12/trb-278-facebook-diablo-auphonic-digitalkopie-hochzeitsblog/
Interview über Auphonic von Tim Pritlove im Lautsprecher Podcast
Date: 22.3.2012
Length: 01:34:58