Tag archives: google

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Auphonic allows you to add external services to distribute processed and encoded result files to many hosting/storage providers or to your own servers.
We released an interface to Amazon S3 four years ago, now we open our S3 interface also for other S3-compatible storage providers like Google Cloud Storage, DreamHost and many more. They provide affordable, reliable and high-performance podcast/media file hosting.

All supported storage providers can be used for incoming and outgoing file transfers to/from Auphonic.
In this blog post, we will first describe the setup of a Generic S3 Account, then the integration of ...

As of today, we also support Google Drive as an external service for incoming and outgoing file transfers to/from Auphonic!
The integration is very similar to our Dropbox interface and described below.

How to Use your Google Drive in Auphonic

First you have to connect your Google Drive account with Auphonic: go to our services page and click the GoogleDrive button. Then you will be redirect to Google and have to accept that Auphonic can access your Google Drive.

To process files with Auphonic (incoming file transfers), you must put them into the folder 'auphonic' in your Google ...