Audio examples

Cut Filler Words and Silence

Please click inside the waveform to zoom and scroll through the audio - each example is divided into multiple segments and annotated with details about the algorithms. We recommend listening with headphones so you can hear all the details!

Example 1: Singletrack Silence Cutting

The first example is a very short sequence from the Feel Free to Deviate Podcast.
Listen to this sample file to get an idea of what our silence cutter does, and note the striped grey areas in the audio player that show where our algorithm has cut silent segments.


Silence cut out: (striped grey areas)

Example 2: Multitrack Silence Cutting

The second example is the start of the TV Eye on Marvel Podcast, which contains three separate speaker tracks and an additional track for music.
For such Multitrack Productions, the Silence Cutting algorithm is only applied to the final mix track like the other Master Track Algorithms. There are a few seconds of silence, before the music starts, which are cut out, but the silent segments in individual tracks are not cut out to ensure that the background music and speaker order remain intact.

Silence cut out: (striped grey areas)

Example 3: English Filler Word Cutting

This example is an excerpt from the interview “From Racing Failure to Red Bull Champion: The Untold Christian Horner Story”.
Listening to this short 45-second snippet, you will hear ten “uh”s and “uhm”s in the original file, removed by our “Cut Fillers” algorithm and displayed as striped red areas in the audio player.


Fillers cut out: (striped red areas)

Example 4: German Filler Word Cutting

The following Austrian German example is an interview with the Austrian Ex-Foreign Minister, Karin Kneissl, who uses a remarkable seven filler words within 26 seconds. In addition to the striped red filler cutting areas you can also see one striped grey area, that represents a cut out silence segment.


Fillers cut out: (striped red areas)