Some weeks ago I presented auphonic to the advisory board of the Science Park Graz,
the local version of the Austrian incubator network AplusB.
Fortunately I am happy to announce, that the jury enjoyed the project and therefore auphonic is now part of the
Science Park.

What are incubators?
AplusB (Academia plus Business) is the Austrian hightech incubator network. These incubators are linked to academic institutions, in my case the universities in Graz, and they support the development of technology-based projects for a period of 1.5 years.
Here a more detailed (and little bit cryptic) self-definition from the AplusB website:
AplusB - Hightech Incubators in Austria
The Austrian incubators network AplusB (Academia plus Business) is the national and international representation of the eight AplusB centres linked to academic institutions and subsidised by the Federal Ministry for Traffic, Innovation and Technology (FMTIT) under the AplusB program.
The incubators support, accompany and accelerate the development of promising foundation projects by providing counselling, networks, funding and infrastructure supporting the implementation of a business. The founders have access to the entire know-how available through the incubators’ network as well as the networks of the nine incubators. The incubators’ network acts as a representative body for AplusB start-up companies and supports them in specific ways in the fields of growth, funding and internationalisation.
In the circles of partners and networks of AplusB centres, nearly all Austrian universities are represented, as well as universities of applied sciences, research institutions, funding agencies as well as private firms - adding up to over 150 partners.
Until April 2010, 352 foundation projects were accepted into the AplusB program. 289 of them became newly founded companies, 247 of them successfully completed the program. About 250 patents were used and over 1400 jobs were created with an academics rate of 72%. Especially the academic start-ups show above-average growth potential as well as a high intensity of input knowledge. In total more than 150 million Euros in capital were made available to the companies directly.
What does that mean?
First, I finally finished the time-consuming process of writing a business plan :). It took really more time as I thought, but now I have at least something which can be presented to others, let's see if I will ever need it again. Many thanks to the friendly and patient people from Science Park, for correcting various draft versions.
Furthermore, I will get a free office at Science Park, some small financial aids, support in non-technical areas and a close collaboration with scientific partners here in Graz.
I am also able to pay another developer a little bit, if someone wants to join the project.
Coming back to Graz after living in Berlin and Vienna, I am looking forward to some inspiring month working on auphonic and maybe some fruitful collaborations with the various other interesting projects going on at the Science Park.