After a long, nice summer and few blog posts, it is time to present the current team behind auphonic. At the moment we are two core developers and maintain strong collaborations with three institutions here in Graz.
UPDATE: please see About Us for the latest version!
Core Team
Georg Holzmann

Georg is an audio engineer with passion for machine learning, signal processing, everything related to audio and computer music, open source software, web development and much more.
Discussions and repeating questions from podcasters led him to the idea of an automatic audio post production web service, this was the birth of auphonic.
Previously he worked at scientific institutions (machine learning, audio processing), as a web developer and realized many technology driven, artistic projects.
For more information visit
André Rattinger

André is a student of Software Development and Business Management at Graz University of Technology. Besides studying he is an enthusiastic python and web developer and a passionate coffee drinker.
If he can't be found in front of his computer, he is probably roasting coffee or trying out a new recipe.
Before auphonic he worked on different python open source projects, including user interface design and web development.
Science Park Graz

The Science Park Graz
is the local version of the Austrian high-tech incubator network
AplusB (Academia plus Business).
These incubators are linked to academic institutions and they support the development of technology-based projects for a period of 1.5 years with a free office space, some small financial aids, support in non-technical areas and a close collaboration with scientific partners here in Graz.
Special thanks to Otmar Kühner, Bernhard Weber, Sonja Buchegger and Dagmar Böhm for their ongoing support and help!
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM)

The Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) is a multidisciplinary research center within the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts. Research activities are concentrated mainly in digital signal processing, audio engineering and psycho acoustics, e.g. projects in analysis and syntheses of sound and loudness perception.
The IEM supports our research in signal processing and music information retrieval, many thanks to Dr. Alois Sontacchi for his time and valuable inputs.
Dept. Social Learning at CIS TU Graz

The Abteilung Vernetztes Lernen (Department of Social Learning), at the Graz University of Technology, performs research in the areas of E-Learning, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Social Learning, Podcasts, Open Content etc.
They are recording lectures at the TU Graz and built knowledge in optimizing post production workflows, which should be further enhanced in the collaboration with auphonic.
These guys are very open minded and supportive - special thanks to Ypatios Grigoriadis and Walther Nagler from the Podcasting team!