When producing a show on a regular basis, it's time consuming to add an intro or outro file to every episode again and again.
With Auphonic you can automate the whole workflow: you create intro/outro files only once and we automatically add it to every new production.

Use Intros/Outros with Presets
You can automatically add an intro and outro to any Auphonic
production (see screenshot above), this works for singletrack and
multitrack productions.
As intros/outros are intended to be used multiple times, they are only
loudness normalized to match the loudness of your production without further Auphonic processing (no leveling, filtering, noise reduction, etc.).
Therefore you should edit/process your intro/outro before.
To automate the whole workflow, it is suggested to add your intro/outro files to a
When creating a new production,
you can now select the preset with your intro/outro files and they will be added to your production results
automatically without any additional uploading or editing.
This workflow is especially useful for fast recording and publishing in combination with our mobile apps (see our
Android Audio Editor and
iOS Recorder),
for automated batch processing of audio file collections or when using our
We store audio files only for a limited number of days, therefore you have to use preset intro/outro files from an
External Service like
Dropbox, (S)FTP, HTTP, Google Drive, WebDAV, Amazon S3, YouTube, SoundCloud, Spreaker, Libsyn, Blubrry, Archive.org, etc.
In productions, you can also upload intro/outro files directly.
Overlapping Intros/Outros
It is possible to let intros/outros overlap with the main audio file by setting the parameter Overlap in seconds:

Here the intro overlap parameter is set to 12.5 seconds, to let the intro file end overlap
for 12.5 seconds with the main audio file start.
Overlap for outros work the other way around: an overlap of
5 seconds means that the outro file start will overlap for 5 seconds with the main audio file end.
If you want to speak on top of an intro/outro music, you have to fade out those segments in your audio editor (this is called ducking) and then store the correct overlap time where you started to duck the intro/outro (see audio example below).
As Auphonic does not process the intro/outro files, you can use
volume envelopes in your audio editor to
customize the ducking behavior (slow fade outs, fast volume jump when speakers start, etc.).
We suggest that ducked segments are about 18dB softer compared to foreground segments.
Audio Examples with Intros and Outros
Let's demonstrate intros/outros with an audio example.
We use the following intro file with an overlap of 14 seconds
(music by rocavaco):
This is the main speech audio file (without intro/outro):
The outro file with an overlap of 13 seconds:
Auphonic automatically mixes intros/outros with correct overlaps and the main speech audio into the following result file:
As an illustration, here is the same production again without any overlap and a modified intro/outro file:
Auphonic API and Multiple Intros/Outros
All features described above are also available in the Auphonic API, so that it's possible to integrate our algorithms into your custom workflows, scripts and apps.
The API also includes an additional feature: one can add multiple intros/outros to a production! These intros/outros are played in series.
For more information about multiple intros/outros, please see
Add multiple Intros or Outros.
And contact us if you have any questions or feature requests ...
Great article by Brigitte Hagedorn about Overlapping Intros/Outros in German:
Intro und Outro mit Auphonic automatisiert und passgenau hinzufügen