Archives September 2022

We are proud to announce that we recently joined the NVIDIA Inception Program, which will help to speed up our deep learning development process and therefore offer the best possible audio processing tools to our users.

What is NVIDIA Inception

NVIDIA is a global leader in hardware and software for Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Their NVIDIA Inception Program will enable us to leverage NVIDIA's cutting-edge technology by accessing more diverse cloud and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) product offerings, which are used in most Machine Learning and Deep Learning model training instances worldwide. This will allow us to streamline ...

Speechmatics released a new API including an enhanced transcription engine (2h free per month!) that we integrated into the Auphonic Web Service now.
In this blog post, we also compare the accuracy of all our integrated speech recognition services and present our results.

Automatic speech recognition is most useful to make audio searchable: Even if automatically generated transcripts are not perfect and might be difficult to read (spoken text is very different from written text), they are very valuable if you try to find a specific topic within a one-hour audio file or if you need the exact ...

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