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For those who don't know it yet: we opened the auphonic automatic audio post production web service for the general public!
This means that everyone can create a free account and use the system for the post production of podcasts, audio books, lecture recordings, screencasts, or whatever you want. Please let us know what you think and tell us your feature requests!

Click here to create a free account:
Auphonic Registration

Current Audio Algorithms

Only a subset of the auphonic algorithms are activated at the moment, focusing on loudness and level management. Furthermore we filter unnecessary and disturbing frequencies, but ...

Last weekend, 15. + 16. October 2011, the first austrian podcast barcamp (#pccvie) took place in the charming sektor5 coworking space in Vienna. We had really inspiring discussions with many local podcasters and technicians, for some detailed reports in german see Podcastcamp 2001 by Nico Grienauer and Podcast Barcamp: Ein tweetiger und booiger Rückblick by Robert Lender.
I just want to add some thoughts to the discussion about enhanced podcasts and will list some practical tools.

Enhanced Podcasts

It seems that more and more podcasters try to create enhanced podcasts, where additional metadata like chapter marks, hyperlinks or images, ...

After a long, nice summer and few blog posts, it is time to present the current team behind auphonic. At the moment we are two core developers and maintain strong collaborations with three institutions here in Graz.

UPDATE: please see About Us for the latest version!

Core Team

Georg Holzmann

Georg is an audio engineer with passion for machine learning, signal processing, everything related to audio and computer music, open source software, web development and much more.

Discussions and repeating questions from podcasters led him to the idea of an automatic audio post production web service, this was the birth ...

Some weeks ago I presented auphonic to the advisory board of the Science Park Graz, the local version of the Austrian incubator network AplusB.
Fortunately I am happy to announce, that the jury enjoyed the project and therefore auphonic is now part of the Science Park.

What are incubators?

AplusB (Academia plus Business) is the Austrian hightech incubator network. These incubators are linked to academic institutions, in my case the universities in Graz, and they support the development of technology-based projects for a period of 1.5 years.

Here a more detailed (and little bit cryptic) self-definition from the ...